Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Think solutions to attract answers !

It was one of those days when I decided to hire an auto-rickshaw to come to work. "Outer Ring Road" I said to the driver in my customary style, and the driver promptly nodded his head vigorously, as if to display total agreement. It was nearing peak hour, and the roads were completely packed with all forms and models of vehicles, jarring to get their way past the signal.

The driver slowly began a conversation in Tamil. "Madam, do you live in Koramangala ?" I nodded, not wanting to further pursue, in my mind, a frivolous conversation. He continued, that his 19 year old daughter was getting admitted for a heart surgery the next day, and he worked hard hard to accumulate funds for her surgery. I was by now, already preparing for a response to his next possible request asking for a donation from my end, and I was taken by surprise when he handed over a Newspaper article. This was an article he had requested, to be published by The Times of India, about his requirement for funds for the surgery of his only daughter who was due to be married shortly. It was dated about a week prior to our current conversation. The driver said he was overwhelmed with the response, in the form of donation from so many kind hearts. He now had enough money for the surgery, that was now scheduled in one very reputed city hospital. His eyes shone reverberating the warmth in his smile, as I looked at him completely in disbelief. Here was a man who didn't get bogged down with adversities, who converted a challenge into an opportunity, and who made his dream come true.

For some reason, his smile remained in my heart for a very long time. As I relate this, I realize the fundamental truth - When you think of solutions, you'll attract answers.